<<@bunez69x says : Officially my 3rd favourite album>> <<@ronniedaise7522 says : πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ>> <<@chichuba says : #blokcout2024>> <<@ClassicCitySalvation says : πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘>> <<@atedes6423 says : this gives me goosebumps>> <<@meaganmeyer8643 says : My new favorite song>> <<@kihjjgtdhytgf1876 says : 3:22 best part πŸ”₯>> <<@tudices6qy says : Is it me or does it sound different now?>> <<@karamontoya says : πŸ₯Ήβ€>> <<@ddjsoyenby says : love this song.>> <<@Sara_m199 says : I absolutely love this song!!! I did a cover of Who's Afraid of little old me by her on my channel, check it out it would mean a lot to me 😊β™₯️>> <<@HolleySabrinaSally says : I CANNOT GET OVER THAT SHE SANG THIS IN HER CONCERT AND TRAVIS IS DOING THE HAND HEART AND POINTING TO HIMSELF WHEN TAYLOR SANG "YOUR HEART IS STILL RESERVED FOR ME"πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ˜»πŸ˜»πŸ˜»πŸ˜»>> <<@missfeliss3628 says : tbh taylor seems to have just gotten meaner and unhappier with each passing year... so does everyone each year past 16 that they arent married.... funny how we sabotage our own relationships and dont even give ourselves a chance at happiness in a marriage because of modern dating styles πŸ˜”β€>> <<@twiligh4trinitya says : Like this comment if you are a KC Chiefs fan! β€πŸ’›>> <<@simplyimagine says : honestly travis won in life>> <<@Benben_Lebosada says : Varian πŸ§ͺ>> <<@user-yq2bd2ur8f says : On of all 31 song that she realesed this one is the goof one that i actually really like out of all of the other song>> <<@cnscool76 says : I’m 65 and this relationship just warms my heart and soulπŸ₯° I’ve always been a fan of Travis and the Chiefs. Now I’ve become a Swiftie!πŸ™ŒπŸΎ I wish them eternal happiness 😊>> <<@makenzie3720 says : 00:58 Sounds like demi lavatos cool for the summer lol>> <<@apoyostream3834 says : LOVE SONG ✨✨✨✨✨>> <<@apoyostream3834 says : 🎢🎢🎢 🀍🀍🀍>> <<@deadlyyo says : This shit is garbage πŸ—‘οΈ>> <<@Liv_Hall says : Slay>> <<@janeanmcgowen2113 says : Shes his trophy, he comes running up to her. Cut the amateurs, her previous loves, this is the one shes been wanting for a long time, and he idolized her from a far, they are deep.❀ past loves,>> <<@Itsme.Martha says : I'm "The alchemy" biggest fan!!!!!>> <<@tranqui_lil_ie says : 1:14 I love that sound>> <<@qasimkarim1870 says : this should be her next single>> <<@OblockSosa says : https://youtu.be/ItKlquEjksg?si=y5l7CUyakQUXTTfr>> <<@putriamaliaramadan says : I dropped in this part, I'll get back if I got one nice guy 1:16>> <<@kaitamblo says : I get goosebumps ever. single. time. I listening to this 😍😭 She deserves to be so incandescently happy>> <<@JaneSteadman-bd9tz says : It's like she's Travis's trophy πŸ†πŸ₯‡πŸ† πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’‹>> <<@aira7892 says : Why does this song feel like serotonin hormone boosting>> <<@karendangol9751 says : This song is so sweet ❀️>> <<@jettparcher2234 says : MOTHER>> <<@TylerSift says : This is the full version of "So happy that my travy made it to the big game" and I love it>> <<@JesseBallerini says : Another classic Beautiful Queen πŸ‘‘ Taylor Swift πŸ˜‡>> <<@reneesmith983 says : Not TSwift answering from the stage??>> <<@malakelawdan1624 says : TaylorπŸ˜”βœ¨βœ¨βœ¨>> <<@artcountry7062 says : Afterglow type vibes>> <<@layanmarhoon3753 says : TAY TAY I LOVEE UUUU❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀>> <<@matel8503 says : my fav i wanna cry>> <<@EliasVitalDaSilvaJuniorr says : Epic song. β€πŸ˜πŸ‡§πŸ‡·πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»>> <<@iwatchtoomuchtruecrime says : THANK YOU TRAVIS❀>> <<@coffeeandsarcasm2160 says : This was so bad for my dyslexia that I couldn't watch it all the way through. Please find a sensitivity watcher next time.>> <<@lavado1phinn says : hearing this song when you think about the zeena theory is creepy>> <<@SnowBlackQueen says : MeatCanyon predicted this song. That shows how basic her music is πŸ˜‚>> <<@Christopher-dj2xu says : ail oignon rouge / jaune echalote francaise thym piment de cayenne ciboulette poivre noir curcuma basilic persil romarin gingembre origan betterave brocoli choux vert epinards artichaut avocat carotte poivron rouge vert tomate ancienne asperge champignon quinoa d'anjou oeufs 0 pomme de terre petit pois mais chou fleur melon charantais poireau courgette haricots vert navet rutabaga radis noir comcombre radis haricots beurre chou kale pomme pamplemousse kiwi orange citron banane ananas raisin musca pruneaux prunes abricot poire clementine peche mangue myrtilles mirabelle acai fruits passion pates complete riz camargue complet lentilles vert noir haricots rouge noir blanc miel chataigner toutes fleurs the vert inde sencha the noir huile olives pressage froid huile colza huile noix huile noisettes huile lin chanvre cacao 80% > 100% amandes noix cajou goji noix grenoble noisettes pistaches noix bresil graine chia spiruline bio levure biere revivifiable huile foie morue griffonia simplifolia guarana gingko biloba ginseng acerola maquereau huile olives sardine huile olive cabillaud saumon sauvage truite arc en ciel thon jaune blanc lieu noir crevette merlu poulet dinde veau boeuf emmental comte parmesan gruyere brie chevre fromage blanc yaourt fermente faisselle laitue mache scarole roquette frisee moutarde creme fraiche entiere lait entier fond de veau vanille gousse avoine special k classic kellogg's sarrasin seigle ble complet T150 framboise mure cerise groseille reglisse goyave papaye chou romanesco viande de grison choucroute gelatine chou rouge cassis porc magret canard sirop d'erable clou girofle cannelle fraise pavot raisin sec abricot sec agneau lapin gibier eperlan ecrevisse tofu soja gelee royale propolis crabe st jacques palourde homard breton eglefin colin cerf safran sauge noix pecan noix macadamia pasteque noix coco grenade confit canard lievre pissenlit orties cresson bettes the blanc menthe cornichon cafe robusta 5 / 7 fruits legumes par jours proteines 1.7 g / kg Agriculture Biologique / France AOP IGP volvic mont roucous verniere evian vittel badoit perrier thonon contrex hepar rozana Heineken Merlot cabarnet savignon pinot noir grenache 7h30>9h sommeil>> <<@AndiSo-ne4ss says : When she says she hasn't COME around for so long...🀭>> <<@KUYAFAITH says : 1. Taylor Swift - A Dreamer 2. Fearless - The Country-Pop Superstar 3. Speak Now - The Princess 4. Red - A Heartbroken Woman 5. 1989 - The Party Woman 6. reputation - The Heroine 7. Lover - The Lover 8. folklore - A Wise Woman 9. evermore - The Storyteller 10. Midnights - The Brilliant Insomniac 11. The Tortured Poets Department - A Poetess Maker ................>> <<@sylvie2560 says : 1:55>>