<<@Ananda-846 says : Sorry 😔😔😔>> <<@westconmombasa4431 says : Both nurses and doctors are so rude, i remember when my late mother was admitted with broken legs, she was complaining daily, her bed was next to the window and sun rays would heat her during afternoon hours and no body cared.>> <<@gracenzioki2091 says : Lord please heal that mum . As for the boy he's resting in the arms of Jesus. 😭>> <<@queentanya3787 says : I have 1 year old and I can feel the pain that small baby went through That hospital must be held responsible for neglecting this young soul who was fighting for his life more 10 hours. Another neglecting was made by the parents too. Never leave your child an attended especially in such age This small boy made wund in my heart as mother I wish I could help him.>>